History of the Sacrament-San Joaquin Delta with a focus on historic stressors and restoration methods

Central United Methodist Church 3700 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, California

Presenter: Lynette Williams Duman Lynette will discuss site history of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta with a focus on historic stressors and restoration methods. She will then discuss her ongoing research regarding… Read More »History of the Sacrament-San Joaquin Delta with a focus on historic stressors and restoration methods

McDonald Island Fieldtrip

McDonald Island - Tiki Lagoon Resort & Marina 12988 W Mcdonald Rd, Stockton, CA, United States

We plan to cross the bridge to McDonald Island at 8:00 a,m, on April 14th.  We need to cross the private bridge as a group. So, we’ll meet just outside… Read More »McDonald Island Fieldtrip

Carnegie Night Walk

Carnegie State Vehicular Recreation Area (SVRA) 18600 Corral Hollow Rd, Tracy, CA, United States

Meet Kasey Foley at the entry gate of Carnegie SVRA located at 18600 Corral Hollow Road in Tracy for a walk on the wild side.  This walk will be on… Read More »Carnegie Night Walk