Birds Sightings
All birds sightings are within San Joaquin Country. The sightings list is compiled by Liz West.
Nov 07, 2024 – Jan 11, 2024
- On November 12th, Dena Elimelech reported a Short-eared Owl on the lower part of Corral Hollow Rd. The next day, Jason Talbott saw one on Staten Island.
- A Central Valley Bird Symposium Field Trip saw an adult male Costa’s Hummingbird at Heritage Oak Winery bird feeders on November 24th. The hummingbird was still present on January 11th.
- Rene Reyes reported the return of a pair of Barrow’s Goldeneyes to the Mokelumne Fish Hatcher on December 8th. Lately they have been showing up annually at the fish hatchery.
- Zane Pickus, Julian Johnson, Ethan Matsuyama, and Bart Wickel found an immature Brown Pelican at the Stockton Waste Treatment ponds, December 20th. Roger Muskat saw an immature on January 2nd, possibly the same individual
Sep 07, 2024 – Nov 06, 2024
- September 13th, Steve Abbott photographed a leucistic Red-tailed Hawk at the intersection of Highway 12 and the turn off for the fish hatchery. Philip Fiorio possibly photographed one a year earlier in the same location. There has also been one that hung out on Liberty Rd. in the past. It might be the same bird. It didn’t have as much white.
- Ralph Baker found four immature Sabine’s Gulls at the Stockton Sewage Ponds on September 25th. On September 26th, while looking for the Sabine’s gulls, Rene Reyes photographed a gull that was identified later as a Little Gull at the sewage pond. Both species were present on the 26th. At least one Sabine’s Gull was present through September 29th.
- On October 13th, Cavan Allen found a Sabine’s Gull at the Lodi Sewage Ponds.
- On September 29th, David Yee photographed a White Wagtail at the Tracy Waste treatment plant, despite getting word out about it quickly no one else was able to see it.
- On October 7th, Mark Elness photographed a color banded Sandhill Crane that had been banded at Malheur on October 5, 1997.
- Philip Fiorio reported the return of a Common Poorwill at the levee at River Islands on October 11th.
- Rich Petersen and Kasey Foley reported a Band-tailed Pigeon at Oak Grove Park in Stockton on October 30th.
- On November 7th, Mark and Lorna Elness reported a prairie Merlin, on Waverly Rd. just south of Flood R
May 01, 2024 – July 09, 2024
- On May 1st, Kasey Foley took a video of a Hammond’s Flycatcher in her Stockton backyard.
- Suga Moriwaki spotted two Black Terns at Gerardot Ponds, May 3rd.
- Brown Pelicans have been showing up in the Central Valley apparently starving.As he was driving at River Islands, Philip Fiorio saw a Brown Pelican flying over one of the lakes on May 8th. On May 12, Philip Fiorio posted a friend’s picture of a Brown Pelican on Oakwood Lake on the other side of I5 from River Islands. It was still present on May 17th. On May 24th, John Robinson saw a Brown Pelican at Tracy Waste Treatment plant. One was also present at Tracy WTP on May 30th. On June 9th, Renee Reyes reported two Brown Pelicans at the Stockton Sewage Ponds.
- David Yee reported a male Summer Tanager at Ripon Oak Grove in mulberries by Stanislaus River, the Summer Tanager breeding site of last year, on May 25th.
- On June 10th, Philip Fiorio photographed a Least Tern at River Islands.
- Mark and Lorna Elness saw the Roseate Spoonbill at the Tracy WTP on July 9th
March 03, 2024 – April 30, 2024
- René Reyes found a Broad-billed Hummingbird in his backyard on March 3rd. It was present until March 9th.
- Jeri Langham and Cheryl Cobbs reported a Willet at Staten Island on March 4th.
- The Red-throated Loon that Cavan Allan found at the end of Eight Mile Road was present through March 10th.
- David Yee picked out a Pacific Golden-Plover amongst some Black-bellied Plovers on Woodbridge Rd., March 19th. He said it’s probably the same one from a couple months ago.
- On March 25th, Sal Salerno reported a Common Poorwill at Caswell Memorial State Park.
- David Yee found a young male Chestnut-sided Warbler just west of the boat launch at Mokelumne Day Use Area on March 30th. It continued through April 15th as it went through molt.
- On April 16th, the San Joaquin Audubon Trip found a male Calliope Hummingbird in Kiln Canyon. Also present were four Rufous-crowned Sparrows. This is the only area in San Joaquin County where the sparrows regularly occur. A couple more Rufous-crowned Sparrows were found at Connolly Ranch which borders Carnegie ORV.
januaray 01, 2024 – march 3, 2024
- The Costa’s Hummingbird visiting the Olin’s backyard, was last seen in Manteca, February 5th. It was first observed on September 9th. The Common Poorwill, Phillip Fiorio reported, was still present at River Islands January 1st.
- Cavan Allen and Karan Odom saw two female Red-breasted mergansers in the San Joaquin County part of Camanche on January 7th.
- Micah Silver and Dani McCauley, saw a Black and White Warbler at Mokelumne Day Use Area, on January 7th. It was last reported on March 3rd.
- Lorna and Mark Elness found a Green-tailed Towhee in their Manteca Backyard, January 10th. It was present through January 27th.
- Philip Fiorio photographed a male Barrow’s Goldeneye at River Islands Park, on January 11th. It was reported through January 22nd. A female Barrow’s Goldeneye has been seen again at the Lodi Sewage ponds through January 31st.
- On January 11th, Anna Belle Rankin reported a Hammond’s Flycatcher at Heritage Oak Winery. It was identified by David Yee.
- Renee Reyes found a pair of Blue-winged Teal at Woodbridge Ecological Preserve on February 2nd. It was found through February 21st.
- David Yee found a Trumpeter Swan on Lower Jones Tract, on February 1st.The swan disappeared after February 2nd.
- On February 11th, a female Barrow’s Goldeneye returned to the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery. During the February. There was an additional female and male found during the San Joaquin Audubon on the February 18th monthly count.
- A group of eight Red Crossbills visited Donna Marciano’s birdbath in Stockton on February 13th.
- Cavan Allen found a Red-throated Loon at the end of Eight Mile Rd. on February 14th.It was present through February 15th. It was present through March 2nd.
- On February 24th, there was a secondhand report and photo of an Emperor Goose found a week prior on Bouldin Island.
NOVEMBER 01, 2023 – DECEMBER 31, 2023
The Costa’s Hummingbird is still visiting Gabriel and Elizabeth Olin’s backyard in Manteca. It was first observed on September 9th.
- On November 24th, Ralph Baker reported a Western Gull at Blewit Rd.
- Carolyn DeBuse found a Long-tailed Duck in one of the ponds at Staten Island on November 27th. It continued to be seen through November 30th.
- Rene Reye’s photographed a Franklin’s Gull at Lodi Sewage Ponds December 1st. On December 2nd, Rich Petersen saw a female Barrow’s Goldeneye in addition to the Franklin’s Gull. The gull continued to be seen through December 6th, the Barrow’s through December 3rd.
- Maureen Lahiff, while leading a Golden Gate Bird Alliance field trip to Staten Island, on December 2nd, reported four Willets.
- On December 12th, Philip Fiorio saw a Common Poorwill at River Island levees in Tracy, the same location where they were seen this summer. David Yee mentioned that it could be a wintering bird, they are known to hibernate in northern California.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2023 – OCTOBER 31, 2023
- A couple of Solitary Sandpipers continued at the Tracy Sewages Ponds through September 3rd. On October 28th, Rene Reyes spotted a Solitary Sandpiper along Old River.
- On September 1st, David Yee saw an adult light morph Long-tailed Jaeger flying over the Stockton Sewage Ponds.
- Ralph Baker saw a Brown Pelican flying over the Stockton Sewage Ponds September 2nd. He also reported a Neotropic Cormorant. The Brown Pelican continued through September 17th.
- Pat and Dave Croft found a Willet at Staten Island on September 3rd.
- Elizabeth and Gabriel Olin photographed and recorded a Costa’s Hummingbird visiting their backyard in Manteca on September 9th. It is still visiting their backyard.
- On September 19th, Kasey Foley found a Sanderling at Staten Island. On October 21st, ralph Baker reported seeing a Sanderling also at Staten Island. Ralph Baker saw a Snowy Plover September 20th, at Staten Island.
- Philip Fiorio saw a male Summer Tanager possibly another one along the Stanislaus River Trail on September 23rd. This location is close to Oak Grove Regional Park, so he is possibly part of the pair that nested.
- Kurt Mize observed a Townsend’s Solitaire near Laughlin Park in Stockton, September 24th.
- On October 1st, Philip Fiorio photographed a Marbled Godwit in a group of Long-billed Curlews in the vicinity of Division and Two Rivers Road.
- There has been an irruption of Red-breasted Nuthatches this fall. They have been heard in multiple locations in the county.
JUNE 06, 2023 – AUGUST 21, 2023
- The Brown Pelican found on June 2nd by Eric Hopson continued through June 26th on the San Joaquin River. On July 19th, Suga Moriwaki photographed a Brown Pelican at Gerardot Stables Pond.
- On June 23rd, David Yee found a pair of Summer Tanagers at Oak Grove Regional Park in Ripon. He suspected that they might breed in the park. On July 3rd the female was observed carrying nesting material. The pair was observed copulating on July 4th. The pair was still present through August 27th.
- Kasey Foley and Rich Petersen saw a Pacific Golden-Plover at the Tracy Waste Treatment Plant on July 2nd.
- The July 5th San Joaquin Audubon Society field trip to McDonald Island saw a Common Tern. It was identified from Kasey Foley’s photograph.
- John Robinson photographed a Whimbrel at the Tracy WTP on July 21st, it was last reported July 23rd.
- On July 30th, Andy Engilis and John Trochet found a Stilt Sandpiper at Staten Island. Andy Engilis also saw a Marbled Godwit at Staten Island; later multiple observers saw upto 10 Marbled Godwits through August 2nd.
- Rene Reyes, on August 1st, he saw a Willet at Staten Island. The next day more Willets were present at Staten Island. At least one Willet was present through August 3rd. Andy Engilis did see a Willet at Staten Island August 13th.
- David Yee’s annual hummingbird class saw a couple of Allen’s Hummingbirds at Heritage Oak Winery on August 12th. The first Allen’s Hummingbird was picked out by David Yee July 15th at Heritage Oak Winery. There was one present August 15th. Rich Petersen and Kasey Foley also saw an Allen’s Hummingbird at a residence in Stockton on August 28th.
- On August 15th, Ralph Baker reported a Least Bittern that had been flushed by a truck at Staten Island.
- Ian Souza-Cole reported a Ruff at Staten Island on August 18th.
- David Yee found a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at the end of Eight Mile Rd., August 22nd
- John Robinson found two Pectoral Sandpipers at Tracy WTP on August 25th at least one continued through August 30th.
- While looking for a Baird’s Sandpiper at Tracy WTP Kasey photographed a couple of Solitary Sandpipers on August 27th. There was at least one present through August 31st.
- There have been multiple sightings of Semi-palmated Sandpipers at Staten Island and the Tracy WTP
APRIL 20, 2023 – JUNE 15, 2023
- On April 24th, David Yee found two Brewer’s Sparrows and Grasshopper Sparrows on Flood and Waverley Roads. The two Grasshopper Sparrows were singing. Others lookingfor the Brewer’s Sparrows found an additional one or two. They were present through April 28th. The Grasshopper Sparrows were not found again.
- Donna Marciano reported a Willet in west Stockton on April 26th. It was continuing to be seen through April 28th.
- Rich Petersen reported a Semi-palmated Sandpiper from the same location on 26th. It remained through April 30th.
- The May 1st San Joaquin Audubon field trip to the Black Hole off Woodbridge Road, reported a Hammond’s Flycatcher. Ralph Baker also found a Hammond’s at Caswell Memorial State Park May 17th.
- On May 2nd, Kasey Foley and Rich Petersen found a Dusky Flycatcher in their Stockton yard. It was still present May 8th. Rene Reyes also photographed a Dusky Flycatcher at White Slough on May 7th.
- The May 3rd San Joaquin Audubon Society to Carnegie SVRA found a Costa’s Hummingbird.
- Rondine Mangrum observed a Gray Catbird at Lodi Lake on May 17th.
- On a June 2nd boat trip to survey the flooding of the Stanislaus River, Eric Hopson encountered a juvenile Brown Pelican along the banks about a mile from the Airport Waybridge over the river.
February 26, 2023 – April 18, 2023
- The Clay-colored Sparrow, originally found by David Yee continued through March 8th on Buck Rd.
- A single female Barrow’s Goldeneye was last seen March 5th, at the Fish Hatchery.
- On February 26 th, David Yee found a Tennessee Warbler at Buckley Cove.
- Donna Marciano found eight Band-tailed Pigeons at Stockton Rural Cemetery on March 12th
- On March 18th, Liz West saw one at Pixie Woods in Stockton.
- On March 18th, Ralph Baker reported four Evening Grosbeaks at Stockton RuralCemetery. They disappeared before anyone else had a chance to see them.
- On the same day Rene Reyes saw one at his house in Stockton.
- Liz West and Kasey Foley found a male Blue-winged Teal at the Lodi Sewage Ponds on March 18th
- On a field trip, April 16th, to McDonald Island, another Blue-winged Teal was spotted by the field trip participants.
- On April 11th, David Yee reported a female Cassin’s Finch at Lodi Lake. It was also present on the 12th, but not detected since then.
- April 13th through the 19th, there have been numerous reports of Hammond’s Flycatchers moving through at Lodi Lake, Caswell State Park, and Kasey Foley’s backyard.
- On the field trip to McDonald Island, April 16 th, Dave Fries found a Gray Flycatcher which everyone had a chance to see.
DECEMBER 30, 2022 – FEBRUARY 25, 2023
- During the January 1st Wallace-Bellota CBC, David Yee recorded a confirmed Winter Wren at the Mokelumne Day
Use Area. It continues to be sighted through February 20th. - A female Barrow’s Goldeneye was spotted by Ralph Baker January 8th in the company ofa female Common Goldeneye. It was probably first reported in November. A couple of females were last seen on February 25th.
- On a January 28th boat trip to the San Joaquin portion of Camanche Reservoir the group (Ralph Baker, John Harris, Kasey Foley, Rich Petersen, Linda Pittman, Donna Marciano, Srini Raman) found a Red-breasted Merganser. There were also a couple of Horned Grebes and Common Loons.
- Suga Moriwaki reported eight Greater Scaup at the Stockton Sewage Ponds on January 28th.
- Jim Rowoth photographed a California Thrasher, February 2nd at Durham Ferry.
- John Robinson took multiple photos of a Black and White Warbler near Buckley Cove onFebruary 3rd. It has been reported through February 22nd.
- On February 9th, David Yee found a Clay-colored Sparrow on Buck Rd. near Acampo. It was in a flock of Savannah Sparrows, Lark Sparrows, and House Finches.
- As of February24th, it is still present. Donna Marciano found a pair of Blue-winged Teals at the west end of Eight Mile Rd. on February 11th. The pair was present through February 20th.
October 26, 2022 – December 29, 2022
- On November 1st, Steve Abbott found an immature male Summer Tanager at Lodi Lake. It was only present one day bird.
- Sam Simon reported two Pectoral Sandpipers at Staten Island on November 5th.
- Sam Simon photographed a Franklin’s Gull near the south end, a private portion, of Staten Island on November 9th.
- Rebecca Severin observed an out of season Hooded Oriole at her backyard birdbath in Stockton on November 21st.
- Barry Parkin reported a female Barrow’s Goldeneye at Mokelumne Day Use Area on November 23rd. It was the only goldeneye reported.
- On December 26th, Donna Marciano saw a Eurasian Wigeon at Ten Mile Slough in Stockton.
- For the second winter in a row there is an irruption of Lewis’ Woodpeckers. Mokelumne Fish Hatchery is a good place to see them in the county, I believe there are at least twenty there.
August 30, 2022 – October 25, 2022
- Kasey Foley and Rich Petersen found a Whimbrel at Staten Island on September 12th.
- On September 15th, David Yee found a probable Chimney Swift, flying with the Violet-green Swallows at the Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery. He based this on the fact the swift was larger than the accompanying Violet-green Swallows.
- Kurt Mize saw a juveniles Pectoral Sandpiper at Lodi Sewage Ponds on September 27th.
- On October 14th, David Yee spotted a Little Gull in the Stockton Sewage Ponds from outside the fence.
- David Yee found a Black-throated Green Warbler amongst a large flock of Townsend’s Warblers, Black-throated Gray Warblers and Western Tanagers on October 18th at Oak Grove Park in Ripon.
- Henry Koertzen photographed a Solitary Sandpiper at Tracy Sewage Ponds on October 18th.
- On October 20th, David Yee found a juvenile Ruff at Staten Island. It continues to be seen through October 24th.
Jun 28, 2022 – August 29, 2022
- Kasey Foley and Rich Petersen spotted a Redhead at Tracy Sewage ponds June 29th.
- On August 27th, Henry Koertzen reported a Cassin’s Kingbird at Veteran’s Park in Tracy.
February 24, 2022 – April 21, 2022
- Jim Rowoth photographed an American X Eurasian Wigeon hybrid on Empire Tract February 28th.
- On March 26th, Rosemarie Richardson picked out a Pacific Golden Plover among five hundred or so Black-bellied Plovers at the Lodi Sewage Ponds.
- Philip Fiorio photographed a male Calliope Hummingbird, April 11th at Jacob Meyers Recreation Area. On April 18th, Pat and Dave Croft reported a Calliope Hummingbird at the Heritage Oak Winery Feeder.
- While doing a Tri-colored Blackbird survey at Hwy 12 pond near Hwy 88, Kasey Foley and Rich Peterson found a Solitary Sandpiper.
December 16, 2021 – February 23, 2022
- While scouting for the Stockton CBC, December 17th, David Yee photographed a bright out of season, Cassin’s Vireo male. It did not appear after the initial sighting.
- On January 3rd, Jim Rowoth found a Marbled Godwit in a pond along Woodbridge Road.
- One of the two female goldeneye’s that Kasey Foley saw at the Mokelumne River Day Use Area on Jan 9th was a Barrow’s Goldeneye. She was present through January 16th.
- Kasey Foley photographed a yellow-shafted Northern Flicker in her Stockton backyard on January 20th
- Lewis’s Woodpeckers continue in good numbers at the Mokelumne Fish Hatchery as of the bird count on February 20th.
October 21, 2021 – December 25, 2021
- Lucas Stephenson, Marc Stephenson, and Lucas Corneliussen reported at least three Lapland Longspurs and at least two Chestnut-collard Longspurs at the intersection of Flood and Waverly Roads on Octboer 31. A single Lapland Longspur and a single Chestnut-collard Longspur were reported on November 27.
- Suga Moriwaki photographed a Surf Scoter at the Gerardot Stables Pond on November 12th.
- Pat Paternostro, Jim Rowoth, and Kasey Foley alerted by a different chip located a Pacific Wren during the beginning bird walk on December 4th. Everyone on the field trip was able to see the Wren.
- Lewis’s Woodpecker continue in good numbers in the east part of the country. David Yee during his CBC talk for San Joaquin Audubon mentioned that he saw some on Viaggio Winery along with a Chipping Sparrow.
August 14, 2021 – October 20, 2021
- Fifteen members of San Joaquin and Stanislaus Audubon found two Solitary Sandpipers at Ripon Sewage Ponds on Aug 14. On August 17, Kathy and Virginia Bonham found one at Lodi Sewage Ponds.
- Rosemarie Richardson saw a Marbled Godwit at Staten Island on September 3. On September 7, Konshau Duman had three Marbled Godwits in flooded field at Staten Island. Konshau also found a Semipalmated Sandpiper on Staten Island on September 8. The Semipalmated Sandpiper was last reported on September 10.
- Dan Lehman saw a female Hooded Merganser at the Ripon Sewage Ponds on September 11.
- Konshau Duman reported an American Golden-Plover in the closed portion of Staten Island on September 22.
- David Yee found an immature Baltimore Oriole, September 22, at Lodi Lake. It was feeding in the vicinity of Pigs Lake.
- On September 27, Jim Rowoth saw a Hammond’s Flycatcher at Lodi Lake. Jim R. and Rondine Mandrum reported a Hammond’s to eBird on October 13, possibly the same individual.
- John Harris photographed a Sage Thrasher on Waverly Rd. north of Highway 4 on October 20.
- It looks like this winter is going to be an irruption year for Lewis’s Woodpeckers, several groups of 4 or 5 birds were present at Mokelumne Day Use area during the San Joaquin Audubon field trip.
June 23, 2021 – August 13, 2021
- Virginia and Kathy Bonham found two Bank Swallows in amongst perched Tree Swallows at the Lodi Sewage Ponds, July 13th.
- On Aug 9th, David Yee reported a Solitary Sandpiper at the Lodi Sewage Ponds. It then was flushed by Swainson’s Hawks and disappeared to the east.
- David Yee saw an immature Rose-breasted Grosbeak with Black-headed Grodbeaks, Aug 10th on private property east of Lodi.
- At the Heritage Oaks Winery feeders, David Yee found an immature Costa’s Hummingbird on Aug 10th.
April 17, 2021 – June 14, 2021
- Kasey Foley photographed a probable Short-billed Dowitcher at Ripon Sewage Ponds on April 17th.
- On an April 24th field trip with David Yee to Lodi Lake, Rosamarie Richardson reported three Black Swifts on eBird.
- David Yeeand Janet Thielen found a Baird’s Sandpiper at the Ripon Sewage Ponds on May 5th
- David Yee picked out an apparent Glossy Ibis among about 75 White-faced Ibis on Woodbridge Road, May 29th. The flock flew off with it before anyone else saw it or photographed it.
- Dylan Law reported a Chestnut-backed Chickadee on eBird at Caswell State Park on June 5th and 6th.
February 15, 2021 – April 14, 2021
- Pat Paternostro photographed a Barrow’s X Common Goldeneye at the Lodi Waste Treatment Plant on March 18th.
- The Yellow-billed Loon continued in the Mokelumne River through March 2nd, but no longer publicly viewable from land.
- On April 7th, Jim Rowoth saw a female Costa’s Hummingbird at Kiln Canyon in Carnegie ORV park.
- Kasey Foley found a Clay-colored Sparrow at the cemetery on Mackville Road, April 15th. See photo on Page 3.
After a short time, it flew out of a brush pile never to be seen again. - Dorian Anderson saw a Northern Shoveler X Blue-winged Teal cross at the Tracy Sewage Ponds on April 17th. It
is probably the same individual that was seen earlier in the month on Lost Slough at the Cosumnes River Preserve, in
Sacramento County.
December 15, 2020 – February 14, 2021
- The Franklin’s Gull continued to be seen at the Stockton Sewage Ponds through December 15th. The Black-headed Gull was last reported on January 17th.
- Konshau Duman reports continuing Lapland Longspurson Staten Island in a publicly inaccessible area on December 17th.
- The Barrow’s Goldeneye continues at Riverbank Sewage Ponds through January 1st. Konshau Duman reported a female Barrow’s Goldeneye in Mokelumne river to the west of Staten Island on February 9th.
- Lynette Williams reported a female type Red-breasted Merganser on December 23rd. It was in the Mokelumne River on the west side of Staten Island. On January 2nd, Kasey Foley found a female Red-breasted Merganser at the Mokelumne River Day Use Area.
- Konshau Duman reported a female Vermilion Flycatcher in an inaccessible area of Staten Island on January 12th.
- Lynette Williams spotted a Yellow-billed Loon just south of Staten Island on January 14th in the South Mokelumne River. There was no good public access to this bird, the only semi-tolerated viewing area was from underneath the Highway 12 bridge (private property). All other sites are private and clearly marked no trespassing. Bouldin Island and Staten Island beyond the sign are strictly off limits. That said the loon was viewed by many through February 9th.
- Konshau Duman saw a first cycle Glaucous Gull on Staten Island, January 28th. On February 1st, Dave Fries saw one on Woodbridge Rd. possibly the same individual.
- This winter there has been an exceptional irruption of Pine Siskins and Purple Finches in San Joaquin County and the valley.
August 9, 2019 – October 6, 2019
- On August 10th, Terre Ronneberg found a Brown Pelican on a lake in Woodbridge Del Webb community in Manteca. It was gone two hours later.
- David Yee observed a juvenile Semipalmated Sandpiper, August 19th, at the Lodi Sewage ponds. There was also a juvenile Lesser Yellowlegs present.
- On August 29th, Kasey Foley saw a Red-breasted Nuthatch, part of an irruption of Red-breasted Nuthatches into the Central Valley, in her backyard. A Red-breasted Nuthatch was last heard at Lodi Lake during the beginning bird walk October 5th.
- Eliot Shoenig flushed a Least Bittern in Shin Kee wetlands while kayaking on September 11th.
- On September 25th, David Yee found a Red-necked Grebe in the San Joaquin portion of Camanche Reservoir.
- At Geradot Stable ponds, Joanne Katanic, Virginia and Kathy Bonham observed a Willet on September 26th.
- On September 28th, David Yee found a bathing immature Rose-breasted Grosbeak at Lodi Lake.