Christmas Bird Counts
About CBC
The Annual Christmas Bird Count is sponsored by Nation Audubn Society. The Christmas Bird Count occurs December 14 to January 5 every season. It is the nation’s longest-running community science bird project fuels Audubon’s work throughout the year. The data collected by Christmas Bird Count (CBC) participants over the years provide a wealth of information to researchers interested in the long-term study of early winter bird populations across North America. The CBC is a citizen science project that involves counting birds in circles across North America. Participants count the birds they see or hear within the circle on one day. Each circle compiler(s) will choose a single calendar day within those dates and the CBC birding is done on only one calendar day for each circle
Learn about the History of Christmas Bird Count
How scientist around the world use the CBC data
Summary of all CBC from 1991 – Present
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San Joaquin Audubon Christmas Bird Counts
San Joaquin Audubon Scoeity conducts two Christmas Bird Counts each year.
Stockton CBC (CAST) – On Dec 15, 2024 (Sunday)
Wallace-Bellota CBC (CAWB) – On Dec 28, 2024 (Saturday)
The 2024–2025 Christmas Bird Count (CBC) took place from December 14, 2024 to January 5, 2025. You can find the map of the circles in this page marked with different areas. Each area is covered by a team of birders lead by the area leader.
Birders from San Joaquin and neighbouring counties are invited to participate in our Christmas Bird Counts. If you are interested in participating, please email
Please consider joining our CBC.
Stockton CBC (CAST)
Compilers: Jim Rowth and Donna Marciano
Abbreviation: CAST
Circle ID: 58784
Location: 38.116025, -121.395417

2023-2024 Highlights
The 2024 Stockton Christmas Bird Count was held on Sunday, December 15, with 45 participants venturing into 15 sections surrounding the area around Highways 5 and 12. It was a very cold day, 34 degrees to start and 51 degrees at the end, with heavy fog and very light wind. This year, we had a total of 148 species, which is an increase from last year’s 138 species count. A few of the highlights were 4 Western Screech-Owls, 1 out-of-season Hooded Oriole, and over 120 Red-tailed Hawks. It was a great day of fun!
Wallace-Bellota CBC (CAWB)
Add info about CAWB
Compilers: Kasey Foley and Pat Paternostro
Abbreviation: CAWB
Circle ID: 57886
Location: 38.116700, -120.983300

2023-2024 Highlights
Thirty One birders joined in the Wallace-Bellota Christmas Bird Count on Saturday, December 28, 2024, that covered parts of eastern San Joaquin County, western Calaveras County, and a small chunk of Amador County at Camanche Reservoir and included the town of Wallace. The weather was overcast but fairly mild with almost no wind. We found 139 species, up from 134 last year, but down from our one-time high of 143 in 2016. The count consists of rolling hills spotted with remnants of Blue oak, Live oak, some Valley oak, and California Buckeye with cattle pastures, vineyards, and orchards.
Some interesting species seen during this count were one Tennessee warbler for the first time ever on this count, a Bonaparte’s gull for only the second time on this count, two Red-breasted merganser, and five Band-tailed pigeons. Also, a high count of 61 Mute swan were counted, up from 13 last year.