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April 9 @ 8:30 am - 1:00 pm

Leader: Kasey Foley

Please join us on our annual Kiln Canyon Trip at Carnegie State Vehicle Recreation Area,18600 West Corral Hollow Rd, Tracy.  We will meet at the ranger station at 8:30 AM and will be accompanied by a Park Ranger, as birders are only allowed in Kiln Canyon when accompanied by Park staff.  We will look for area specialties like Rufous-crowned sparrow, Roadrunner, Golden and Bald eagles, Bullock’s orioles, maybe Cassin’s kingbird, California thrashers, hopefully some Rufous, Costa’s, and Calliope hummingbirds (we can always hope!), native plants, butterflies, oh yeah, and rattlesnakes!
The trip will last until about 12-1:00 PM.  Bring LOTS of water, sun protection (hat, sunscreen, etc), boots, snacks, and of course, binoculars.  Bring a sack lunch if you want to join us for lunch under the canopy after the hike.  Bathrooms available near the ranger station and at the bottom of the canyon.
The trip is approximately 3 miles long round trip with steep trails and some slippery, rocky soil in areas.  You may want to bring hiking poles.  Be aware this is an active motorcycle trail that we will be walking on.
You can email me to RSVP at kaseyfoley@sbcglobal.net.


April 9
8:30 am - 1:00 pm
Event Category:


San Joaquin Audubon


Kiln Canyon
Carnegie State Vehicle Recreation Area, 18600 Corral Hollow Road
Tracy, CA United States
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